Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Basic Human Needs

List at least ten things you cannot live without and three reasons why you cannot live without them.


  1. 1. My xbox
    main source of intertainment, its really fun, i love xbox.

    2. Food
    i need it to eat. i like food

    3. My laptop
    i like the internet. its how i can keep in touch with people and see whats happening in the world

    4. Water
    i need to drink

    5. My family
    they support me and help me

    6. A house to live in
    feels like your safe in the house

    7. My phone
    its how i keep in contact with everyone

    8. A car
    the only way to get anywhere without a using the bus

    9. Money
    its how u get everything you need to live like food and water

    10. ?

  2. Ten things i cant live without
    - My Parents because without them there would be nomore i wouldnt have guidence.
    - Education, without knowledge you have no power also without i wouldnt know anything thats going on around me.
    - God is my light and my salvation and without him there is no hope.
    - Boys, im a girl and im not gay so theres not way i couldnt live without boys in the world.
    - Money, money is everything it helps you pay the bills everything in life isnt free so with money it can relieve alot.
    - Car, helps you out with transportation because if you want to travel what are you going to do walk? - and plus i hate walking.
    - My Air Maxes- im in love with my air max 95's i dont wear flat shoes so sneakers is something i have to have.
    - A job- having a job means a paycheck is soon to be coming and without a job money wouldnt be comming so frequently.
    - Food- food is everything and if it wasnt ne food then i was strave and die, FOOD is a must.
    - My Hair- i couldnt live without my hair because being bald isnt easy and plus i wouldnt look right at all.
    - God- Daughter- thats my baby and if anything happens to her i would die because she means everything to me.

  3. 1.Music
    •It calms me down
    •I focus better with it
    •It makes the world a better place

    •It makes me happy
    •I am addicted to gummi worms and starbursts
    •I love them

    •You need it to survive
    •It feels you up
    •Gives you proper nutrition

    4.My cell phone
    •It helps me communicate
    •Keep in touch with important people
    -It keeps me occupied

    •They are easy to talk too
    •They are fun to be around
    •They are all beautiful in their own ways

    •It keeps you occupied
    •It puts me to sleep
    •It is fun to watch

    7.Family and Friends
    •Fun to hang with
    •Keeps me company
    •Easy to talk too

    •They go with my clothes
    •They are comfortable
    •Gets you attention

    9.My Brush
    •Keeps my hair looking nice
    •Takes care of my waves
    •Small and easy to carry around

    •Different fashions are nice to look at
    •Can be entertaining
    •You get lots of attention

  4. 1.) My Family –love them –need them –they have my back
    2.) School - -need it to succeed -a source of education --the basic grounds for learning communicational skill
    3.) Food --I need it to survive –I enjoy it --helps me grow or something like that
    4.) Friends- --make me laugh --we are there for each other --I can be myself around them at all times
    5.) My phone –- it’s my connection to the world –It’s the only way I have to talk to people not close to me –it’s good to have just in case of emergency
    6.) Money –it’s ‘important for lifelong survival –it buys me things that I need –it makes the world go round
    7.) Sleep –I need to be refueled after every day -- it’s enjoyable -- it helps to pass the time
    8.) Books –they keep me entertained –it’s interesting ---I enjoy learning new things from books
    9.) Apple Juice—it’s delicious –my favorite fruit – that’s all
    10.) Ipod –it houses my music –has all my favorite videos/movies on it –keep me entertained and helps me focus

  5. 10 Things I cant live without:
    • I love food.
    • Food keeps me alive and health.
    • Eating makes me happy.
    Southern Brewed iced Tea
    • It is my favorite thing to drink.
    • It is a great thirst quencher.
    • It doesn’t have a bad after taste.
    My Bestfriends
    • They make me happy.
    • They make me laugh.
    • They make me feel good even when I’m sad.
    • Its really almost the only way to get in touch with me.
    • Its so convenient.
    • It’s a big part of how I keep in contact with everyone.
    • They make me feel good when I buy them.
    • They make me feel accomplished when I wear them.
    • Because there is so much of it that it’s a song for everything you do and what you are feeling.
    • It has the power to put you in a better mood.
    • It makes you happy.
    • Because they make me feel good.
    • They love me.
    • They are good resources.

    • It’s the only way to get what you want.
    • It can make you happy.
    • Without it you can’t live.
    • When they are new they make you feel good.
    • They make you look good.
    • They feel great if you get the right ones.
    • Love makes me feel good.
    • Love makes me happy.
    • Gives you that feeling that nothing else can.

  6. 1. My cell phone
    a. I need to be able to communicate at all times.
    b. It keeps my busy when I am bored
    c. Lets my mom keep in touch with me.
    2. Food
    a. It gives me energy to do activites
    b. It keeps my organs functioning
    c. Helps me live a healthy lifestyle
    3. My Family
    a. I love them
    b. Life with out them would be pointless.
    c. They give me relief when times are hard.
    4. School
    a. It makes it get farther in the corporate world.
    b. Gives me education that I can use to succed in life. (ex. Math= Finacial Control)
    c. Gives me socail network experience
    5. Friends
    a. They make me laugh
    b. Give me someone to talk to
    c. We have fun experiences together
    6. Sleep
    a. Restores my energy
    b. Can make my attiude very happy.
    c. rest my body from along day.
    7. Enterainment
    a. keeps you entertained when you are bored.
    b. Makes you laugh
    c. Helps you keep a positive attitude
    8. Chicken
    a. I dont eat red meat
    b. is high in protien
    c. keeps me satisfied
    9. Music
    a. it can tell a story
    b. you can listen to it when you depressed
    c. helps time fly.
    10. Doctors
    a. They keep me healthy
    b. Fix me when I am sick
    c. Help take away the pain

  7. Ten things I cannot live without are:
    - Cheesecake is extra good
    - It is a great addition to my muscular physique
    - It helps me earn my distinguished honors

    - It helps me to stay calm in hectic situations
    - It amazes me
    - It is always fun

    - They can be so beautiful
    - They are cool to chill with
    - They help me through rough days

    - They are always fun
    - I can show out
    - I get to meet a lot of new females

    - It amazes me
    - It is fun to try new styles
    - There are always new things

    - How would my waves come in without it?
    - I need to stay clean
    - It is good to keep around

    - He is the reason I am here
    - I would probably be reckless without it
    - Everyone should want to go to Heaven

    - I hate the winter
    - The cold feeling is annoying
    - I love hot tubs

    - It is good for the body
    - It keeps my face clear of pimples
    - I need to wash my body

    - It is educational
    - It keeps me up to date
    - It helps me keep my social status together

  8. -God
    Purpose for living
    Guidelines in life
    Unconditional love
    Keeps me healthy
    Gives me energy
    Relieves my hunger
    Keeps me clean
    Keeps other things clean
    Quenches my thirst
    Keeps me in contact with people
    I don’t have to call everyone
    Is fast & easier than emailing
    -Flat iron
    Keeps my hair straight
    Makes hair easier to manage
    Keeps my hair looking good
    Having people I can argue with but will always be there
    People who love you through your flaws
    Support through hard times
    People to spend time with outside of family
    You can relate to them
    Tell them secrets you wouldn’t tell other people
    Takes me far places
    Easily accessible
    Good in emergency situations
    Keeps me situated
    Buys my necessities
    At times can satisfy my desires
    -Various parts of nature
    Places to go & explore
    Places to enjoy time either alone or with others
    Keeps me active & interested in my surroundings

  9. 1 Food

    • You would die
    • I would lose weight
    • Failing of organs

    2 Cell Phone
    • I would be lost when I travel
    • I would not be able to communicate with my friends
    • My mother would worry more because she would not be able to reach me

    3 School
    • I would be dumb
    • Probably end up in jail
    • I would be broke with no job

    4 My family

    • Someone to talk to when im down

    • Support with life events

    • Someone to help me with financial things

    5 Friends

    • People that I can hang out with when im bored

    • Keep me laughing

    • Party buddies

    6 Fresh cut
    • Must stay groomed
    • Feels nice blowing in the wind
    • I look nice

    7 My feet

    • I walk every where

    • Love walking

    • I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t walk or drive

    8 Nice clothing

    • I like looking nice

    • I like expense stuff

    • Get more girls

    9 My computer

    • I need facebook

    • Something I use when im bored

    • Used for school work

    10 My tv
    • Use it when im bored
    • Source of music
    • I watch Burn Notice sometimes

  10. Food
    •Relief my hunger
    •Stay healthy
    •or energy

    •Keep me hydrated
    •Clean my metabolism
    •Keep me clean, I need it to take a shower
    •To rest
    •To stay active
    •Keep me healthy
    Cell phone
    •Stay communicated with people
    •Helps me when I am bored
    •I just need to know is there
    •Changes my mood
    •The best way I spend my free time
    •I love loud sounds
    •Sometimes you can count with them
    •To have fun
    •Tell secrets
    Cosmetics/ Make up
    •I love make up
    •Make up makes me feel more confident
    •I can explores different colors with it
    •Buy most of the things I want
    •Essential to have in life
    •Helps in important situations
    •My parents because without them I would not be here
    •I can’t live without my sister, we are best friends
    •My brother he gets me everything I want
    •My guidance in life
    •Faith makes me feel good

  11. I am surprised that a persons personality and feminine and masculinity can be decided based off of the size of the Straight gyrus and that men have about a 10 percent larger brain. I wonder how many scans have been done on the human brain to do these kinds of tests and what else have we learned about our selfs because of these tests? I also wonder if its possible that testosterone and estrogen cause a difference in femininity and masculinity. I also find it interesting that if a child's sg is larger they are more masculine and then become more feminine as they grow older. If it true that the opposite effect happens when you become an adult than is it true that a really feminine person will become more masculine as they get older or is work in a different way. I think its interesting that it might be possible that the size of your sg also affects your empathy for others.

  12. When i saw the title of the article i was curious by what they meant because it's obvious that there are biological differences between men and women. I was kind of surprised when the article said that the reason for the differences in males and females were not "hardwired". I allows thought that we were different purely because biology and their wasn't much more to it. But i do understand what they were saying about nature vs nuture. It's true that there are many difference between men and women when it comes to society also. So the theory that it based on both isn't so unbelievable.

  13. I find this article very informational. I never knew that a man’s brain is larger than a women’s. even though it is larger women tend to be stronger in areas that men are not. I also find it interesting that in adults minds the SG is larger than a man’s. Then in a child’s mind the SG is smaller. The similarity is in both cases it plays in favor of the women. One think that I already knew was that girls tend to mature faster than boys. You can see that just by being in school every day. Boys react to things differently than girls. Going back to the SG I think that a women’s sensitive nature can be developed through both nature and nurture. For example girls automatically seem to be more caring and sensitive than boys, like a little boy is more likely to kill a bug that a little girl. But through life experiences we learn to be more empathic than boys. We tend to put ourselves in the other persons shoes before judging. I believe that this article does make a valid point when it comes to comparing the brain it is good to keep the question is mind… Is this Nature or Nurture?

  14. I found this article very interesting. The article surprised me when it stated the men brain is 10 percent larger than women’s brain. I have always thought women’s reach maturity before man do. Just by looking at teenagers in school or elsewhere I think is obvious that women’s act with more maturity than men’s in difficult situations. Most of the times a man would react aggressively while a woman tend to react more calm. Something that I found interest while reading the article was the fact that women’s brain become programmed to develop a larger SG, to prepare them to be sensitive nurtures but I feel like the sensitive and caring of a girl comes by nature, I often find that women’s tend to find easy to show their affection to others while men’s find it harder to do it.
