Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Antwone Fisher

So you have just watched the film Antwone Fisher. What was believable about the psychological aspect of the film and what was "made for Hollywood"? 15 lines.


  1. I think Antwone's whole mental struggle was believable. A foster child could have experienced those trials during his childhood and the result be that he has low self-esteem and anger problems. A part I can see is Hollywood is how on base their happens to be this amazing psychologist that moves him to change his life. Sometimes in real life it could be that the child never seeks help and ends up in Jail and a series of other things. Another thing that is Hollywood would be how he just happened to find is family.Im not saying that these things dont happen but it can be highly unlikely for a foster child whos father had died. I think the movie was wonderful and it is good to display in a psychology class because you can analyze the characters and diagnose the reason for their actions. I dont hold the hollywood parts against the quality of the movie it has to have those parts thats what makes the movie sell. I would watch this movie over and over again it is a story that is unforgetable.

  2. I think the whole aspect of him being adopted and molested and beaten by the people who adopted him. For instance, the church lady calling him out of his name and beating him is believable because there is alot of corruption in churches. There always has been so to see that didn't surprise me or spark in me that it's "Hollywood". Also, millions of children get adopted and molested, boys and girls and it happens all the time. Many people don't speak up about it but it does happen. What I believe was made for Hollywood was that a person can go to a therapist a few times and automatically have a new outlook on life, be a new person, and be able to just move on. It's okay to begin to get over it but for Antone to just find his real family, and become so great guy is a little too incredible. Another thing that I thought was Hollywood was how his mom is living like right down the street from his dad's side of the family and they've never talked about Antone, but they all know who he is, and who he looks like, and who is dad is. It just seemed a little too far fetched that his family is so close together but nobody ever made the connection or wanted to go and find him. This movie was interesting to watch from just a consumer view. But to watch it and analyze it makes alot of things stand out that you'd never have realized before.

  3. I think that it is a little far fetched that he could have had all these problems as a little kid, go into the military, and clearly have serous problems with anger and abandonment issues. Then he just goes to a few sessions and he finds his family and he is ok. So to me i think this movie pretends to focus on a psychological standpoint but they didn't follow through. They just skipped a lot of things. I believe that he had a lot of problems but i think that there was a lot more therapy and work to fix him and not just a few sessions and a finding his family. So i think Hollywood just wanted to shorten it so it would still be interesting.

  4. I think the subject of him and his childhood is real. I think that Ms.Tate and her daughter - was real. Also his mother having him while she was in jail- to me the whole movie was real i really dont know what part of the movie seemed fake. Maybe him going to see the therapist only three times and that was it. Other than that the movie was excelllent to me. Denzel and Antwone did a great job of seeing how reverse pysch works.I think the movie was wonderful and it is good to display in a psychology class because you can analyze the characters and diagnose them for their actions. I dont hold the hollywood parts against the quality of the movie it has to have those parts thats what makes the movie sell, but to me it was all realistic.

  5. Overall this was a good movie. I feel that the parts that were about his mental was when he was being passive and didnt want to talk to Denzel. Denzel knew what it would take for Antwone to give in and start talking. Another part was when they were in the bathroom and he had to break him the news about the sessions ending. He knew that he couldnt just bring it right on, he had to flow into it. Things that were just hollywood would be the times where they would show some type of over exaggeration. Also the time spent with him tryin to find his family was hollywood showing how in real life it could be really diffcult to find people depending on your situation. That's the reason people dont usually want to go through all of that so they just quit.

  6. This is Vadel

    Well of course not everything in this movie is real. There is a such thing as a writer's liberty, so that's not a surprise. But the only thing that i can think of that might have been hollywood was the amount of time it took him to get better. Really it would have taken much longer because trauma like that just doesn't go away. But i think that mostly everything else was real.

  7. I think that this film is a very good representation of what many psychologists have to go through with their patients. Antwine Fisher has gone through many problems in his life and these things affect how a person will act when they are older. For example, John Q was raped, abused and misunderstood as a child, he was living with an adopted family that was horrible. This affected how he reacted to certain situations when he got older. He witnessed the murder of the last family member that he knew and he ended up trying to get back in touch with his family he never got to meet. Denzel Washington sort of played the psychologist in the story and this was what its like to work in that field. I didnt really see anything in the movie that was really Hollywood to me, except for how fast he was cured.

  8. What was believable about the film was when Denzel and Antwoine were having sessions and Antwoine did not want to express his feelings to him. Another believable part about the movie was when Antwoine snapped at Ms. Tate.
    A few hollywood parts were when Antwoine went to spend Thanksgiving with Denzel because psychologists dont get close with their patients. Another hollywood part was how fast Antwoine was cured.

  9. One of the believable aspects of this film was when Antwone was being reserved about his life and feelings. It made sense for the psychologist to not force Antwone to tell him about himself but to rather wait it out and let Antwone open up to him on his own. The connection they made wasn’t professional; the house visits wouldn’t happen with a psychologist and their client. That part of the movie was made for a sentimental value and therefore doesn’t portray a realistic view. Antwones childhood affecting his manhood sticks to the psychological aspect of the film. He was hurt so much as a child that he was angry and had issues with his anger which lead him to seeing a psychologist period. Another psychological aspect of the film was Antwone having snapped out in rage toward his foster mother. When someone has so much built up inside of them they can’t hold it in and end up lashing out.
