Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gallery Walk

Identify your favorite brains and why.


  1. I liked the poster one because it was different but looked nice compared to all the others. The one that was made out of a box because it was painted and looked interesting. But the information one i liked was anye's because she defined the parts of the brain well and also showed what can happen if they are damaged or gone.

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  3. I like Caila's project the most it displayed her creativity. She thought outside of the box I would never think to use two pieces of poster that way. Another one I like was Anyea's it showed that she took time out to find information on each topic. All of the projects were well done some better than others but it still showed effort from everyone. I wish I could have saw some more creative projects than just powerpoints.

  4. I liked Sasha's presentation because it was extremely creative, descriptive, and cute. I liked that she made a visual aid to give a better understanding of the brain, it's lobes, parts, and what goes on inside the brain besides the brain functions. Also because it was interesting to look at because it was so colorful, and kept my attention.
    The other presentation I appreciated was Caila's because it was visual, and informative at the same time. It was creative and cute.

  5. My Favorite Visual of the brain was cailia and Sashas to me. The reason why i thought out of those to because Caila did something extra out of the ordinary and Sashas Powerpoint was awesome- she had alot of detail in it and gave me alot of information-on the brain. I liked cailias because she gave creatitivty in hers and it was fun to look at also learn about to. I also want to give a shot out to ANYEA because hers was nice to. I think we all could of did a better job.

  6. My favorite was Calia's poster because not only did it look nice, you could tell time was put into it. A close second was Sasha because hers was very creative plus it had a power point. The info on them was all basically the same so can't say much there expect that i learned a little.

  7. My favorite brain was the one Sasha made. I loved the box idea, it was very creative. The words that she used inside to describe the feelings was a good idea. My favortie part along with the inside of the box was the snow flakes & cotton balls that resembled snow. What made her brain even better was that she had an informative slide show to go with the brain that explained the parts that were identified on the box. So overall her project was not only visually intriguing it was also educational.

  8. My most favorite one was Sash's because hers made me want to learn more by oppening up the box and going through the power point i also liked jamali's pictures in his and i liked Anyea's becuase of the information that she gave.

  9. My favorite brain was my project because I could understand it. Although I did enjoy Sasha and Caila's(unfortunately) project because it was out of the ordinary. They got very creative and it was like a trip through the Whitaker Center. If I could do my brain over I would do something like they had done. A powerpoint I liked was Anyea Abney's because it was well organized and informational.

  10. My favorite project was Sashas because the presentation had all of the info, and it was easier to understand and it was original. With the presentation, she also had the extra model of the neuron which was really good. It seemed as if she took a lot of time to do the project and the hard work payed off.
